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ext. 3704

Dr. Katie Terry

Assistant Professor of Social Work



Professional Experience:

  • 30 years of social work experience
  • Caseworker in Child Welfare
  • Adoption Worker
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Early Intervention for Identification of Disabilities for Infants and Toddlers
  • Training foster, adoptive, kinship parents
  • Child Therapist

Professional Organizations:

  • CSWE — Council for Social Work Education 2018 – 2022
  • North American Associate for Christians Social Work —2010—2021, 2024–present

Published Works & Presentations:

  • A Wrinkle in the Fold: Inclusion of people with autism in church communities. Neurodiversity a new paradigm for social work praxis. (Dissertation)
  • Are Christian Social Workers making “Level Paths” for those with autism? Presentation at NACSW 2021

Favorite Scripture Verse:

  • “Therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” Hebrews 12:1


  • Kent State University, B.S. in Secondary Education (Social Studies)
  • Fordham University, MSW — Clinical Concentration
  • University of St. Thomas — DSW — Doctoral degree

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