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Scholarships by Name


Benjamin Adams Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1998 through the estate of Benjamin Adams.
This scholarship is awarded to students at the discretion of Student Financial Services.

Alumni Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1985 by the MVNU Alumni Council.
This scholarship is awarded to a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior who is a child or grandchild of a graduate of MVNU, as verified by the Alumni Office. The student must be enrolled full-time in a traditional undergraduate program and have a 3.0+ GPA. Financial need will be considered. The scholarship is for 1 year and is non-renewable.

W. Eugene and Donna Anderson Endowment

Established in 2018 by W. Eugene and Donna Anderson in honor of their parents Kenneth and Ruth Anderson and Earl and Hazel Kirkpatrick.
This scholarship shall be awarded to a junior or senior student with a GPA of 3.0 or higher. The student shall be majoring in one of the following: physical or biological science, engineering, mathematics, nursing, or computer science. Additionally, students majoring in education with plans to teach in one of these areas may be considered. Other criteria for the award shall be financial need and the recommendation of a professor in the student's major.

Anonymous Alumni Endowed Scholarship

Established anonymously in 1995 by caring alumni.
This scholarship is awarded by application to 1 Computer Science and 1 Elementary Education major annually based on financial need and academics. Freshmen must have 25+ ACT. Sophomores, juniors and seniors must maintain a 3.0+ GPA overall.

Anonymous District Ministerial Endowed Scholarship

Established anonymously in 2000 by a church on the North Central Ohio District.
This scholarship is awarded to juniors or seniors who are members of the Church of the Nazarene in the NCO District, and have declared a lifelong commitment to ministry, maintained a 3.0+ GPA, demonstrated financial need, and have been recommended by their pastor.

Armstrong Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1985 by Dan and Norma Armstrong.
This scholarship is awarded to financially needy students from the Winfield Church of the Nazarene who intend to return to West Virginia after graduation. If there are no students from the local church, the scholarship may be awarded to students from Kanawha Valley, and then the WVS District.

Armstrong Ministerial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1993 by Dan and Norma Armstrong.
This scholarship is awarded to students from the Winfield Church of the Nazarene who plan to enter full-time ministry or Nazarene Theological Seminary, plan to return to WV after graduation, and have financial need. If no one from Winfield, then Kanawha Valley or then WVS students may be awarded.

Martha Ashcraft Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1999 by Martha Ashcraft.
This scholarship is awarded to students who demonstrate financial need, maintain a 2.5+ GPA, and have been recommended by their pastor and department head.

Athletic Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1985.
This scholarship is awarded to students participating in intercollegiate sports, at the discretion of Student Financial Services.

Harlan S. & M. Marie Ault Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2015 through the Church of the Nazarene Foundation.
This scholarship is awarded to male students giving a written commitment to serve full-time for a minimum of four years as a pastor, missionary, or evangelist in the Church of the Nazarene. Recipients must maintain a 'B' average in their ministerial course of study, and receive a maximum of $5,000 per year. Current relatives of a General or District Superintendent and employees of MVNU are ineligible.

Carl B. Bailey Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1985 in memory of Carl B. Bailey.
This scholarship is awarded to students in the East Ohio District with financial need, with preference to those attending the LaCroft, Calcutta, Lisbon or East Liverpool Churches of the Nazarene. Students need a recommendation from their pastor.

Bailey Family Endowed Scholarship

Established by Russell M. and Margaret L. Bailey in 1985 and continued by Russell T. and Cindy L. Bailey.
This scholarship was established in 1985, and has been supported and funded by Russell M. Bailey, Margaret Bailey, Russell T. Bailey, and Cindy L. Bailey. This endowment is awarded to qualified financially needy Nazarene students from West Virginia. Priority is given to students who demonstrate financial need. Other students may be considered for this award in consultation with the donor(s).

Willard and Helen Basham Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2015 by Steve Mershon and Candi Moore in memory of Willard and Helen Basham.
This scholarship is awarded to graduates of Sciotoville Community School (dba East High School) in Portsmouth, Ohio, or Green High School in Franklin Furnace, Ohio. Students must have 3.0+ high school or college GPA, demonstrate financial need, and have participated in a musical performance program in their high school (vocal, instrumental or percussion). If no eligible graduate from either high school, it may be awarded to students meeting all other criteria that are members of one of the following churches: Portsmouth Sciotoville Church of the Nazarene in Portsmouth, Ohio; Epworth United Methodist Church in Marion, Ohio; and Centenary United Methodist Church in Granville, Ohio.

E. Dwight & Mildred Bennett Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2009 by Doris Leonard in memory of E Dwight and Mildred Bennett.
This scholarship is awarded to students who demonstrate financial need and maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA.

Louis W. Blanpain Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1993 with funds provided by Louis W Blanpain.
This scholarship is awarded to qualified ministerial students or other students that most closely meet the criteria.

Bolender Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1998 as a memorial to the teaching careers of Ronald and Tamara Bolender, this scholarship is awarded to an Accounting, Business, or Finance major with an overall GPA of 3.5+. The student must be a member of the Church of the Nazarene in good standing, per a recommendation from their church pastor.
This scholarship is awarded to an Accounting major with an overall GPA of 3.5+ and the desire to become a CPA (Certified Public Accountant). The student must also be an official member of the Church of the Nazarene for at least four years.

Boesger Family Scholarship Endowment

Established in 2019 by Leonard and Betty Boesger.
This scholarship is awarded to graduates of high schools in Ohio counties of Fulton and Williams or those home-schooled in those counties.

J. Gordon Bone, Jr. Scholarship

Established as an endowment by the J. Gordon Bone, Jr. Foundation through the Community Foundation of Mount Vernon and Knox County.
This scholarship is awarded to male students from Knox County, Ohio, who demonstrate financial need. Renewable based on satisfactory academic progress and availability of funds.

Joanne Elaine Bowman Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2021 in memory of Joanne Elaine Bowman, a beloved former Director of Financial Aid at MVNU.
This scholarship is awarded to students with financial need at the discretion of Student Financial Services. Joanne's favorite memories from her MVNU years involved helping countless students and their families secure the resources to finance their college education. All students who receive this award will receive a document highlighting the contributions and impact of her life.

William H. Bridges Speech/Drama Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2018 by Bill and Britta Bridges, pioneer faculty of the MVNU Speech/Drama Program in 1968.
This scholarship scholarship is awarded to full-time sophomores, juniors, or seniors with a declared major in communication studies and/or theatre. Recipients must have achieved academic progress, demonstrated financial need, and have been recommended by the program department chair.

Jay & Lorene Budd Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1998 in memory of Jay and Lorene Budd.
This scholarship is awarded to a junior or senior who is a member of the Church of the Nazarene, has declared a major in the School of Christian Ministry, and is recommended by the department head. Financial need is a preference, but not a requirement.

Dorothy H. Burton Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1993 as a tribute to the career of Dorothy H Burton.
This scholarship is awarded to Elementary Education majors in good standing.

Mark E. and Norma L. Burton Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2016 by Mark E. and Norma L. Burton.
This scholarship is awarded to students with a major in the School of Christian Ministry. The student must be enrolled full-time in the traditional undergraduate program, have a GPA of 2.5+, and demonstrate financial need. Students need a recommendation from a MVNU professor (or high school teacher for first-year students).

NWO Bobby Busic Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2019 by the Northwestern Ohio District Church of the Nazarene.
This scholarship is in honor and memory of Mr. Bobby Busic, father of Dr. David Busic, the fortieth General Superintendent of the Church of the Nazarene. As a child, Bobby and his siblings were orphaned and sent to various foster homes. During his junior year of high school, Bobby lived with a Nazarene family in Nebraska who introduced him to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Despite physical challenges from polio as a child, Bob worked diligently on staff for Bethany Nazarene College until his passing at age fifty. Bobby gave himself wholeheartedly to the mission of the Church of the Nazarene. This scholarship is awarded to traditional undergraduate students from the NWO District who are/were foster children or were adopted. Preference is given to students with a major in the School of Christian Ministry.

Richard Call Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2002 in memory of Richard Call.
This scholarship is awarded to students who are majoring in Marketing, are Ohio residents, are members of the Church of the Nazarene, have a 3.0+ GPA, are sophomores, juniors or seniors, and have been recommended by the department head or a Marketing professor.

Rea Carter Nursing Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2006 in honor of Rea Carter.
This scholarship is awarded to students who are majoring in Nursing, have a 2.5+ GPA, and demonstrate financial need.

South Central Ohio Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1989 by the South Central Ohio District.
This scholarship is awarded to students from the SCO District who have completed their freshman year, demonstrate financial need, maintain a 3.0+ GPA, are active members of the Church of the Nazarene, and have been recommended by their pastor.

South Central Ohio Intercultural Studies Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2018 by the South Central Ohio District
This scholarship is awarded to ministerial students from the South Central Ohio District whose major is Intercultural Studies and who have maintained a 3.0+ GPA, and who are active members of the Church of the Nazarene and on the South Central Ohio District.

South Central Ohio Ministerial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2001 by the South Central Ohio District.
This scholarship is awarded to ministerial students from the South Central Ohio District who have maintained a 3.0+ GPA, and who are active members of the Church of the Nazarene.

South Central Ohio Student Scholarship Endowment

Established in 2018 by the South Central Ohio District.
This scholarship is awarded to traditional undergraduate students from the South Central Ohio District.

Childs Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1999 by David and Cheryl Childs.
This scholarship is awarded to students residing outside the MVNU region who are in need of financial assistance.

Choice MVNU Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1998.
This scholarship is awarded to students with financial need at the discretion of Student Financial Services.

Cincinnati Springdale Ministerial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1998 by the Cincinnati Springdale Church of the Nazarene.
This scholarship is awarded to students from the Cincinnati Springdale Church of the Nazarene who have declared a major in the School of Christian Ministry, and have been recommended by their pastor.

Classes of 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976 Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2021 by the Classes of 1973, 1974, 1975, and 1976.
This scholarship is awarded to a child or grandchild of a member of the class of 1973, 1974, 1975, or 1976 with financial need.

Class of 1977 Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2007 by the Class of 1977.
This scholarship is awarded to a child of a member of the Class of 1977. If none, then a grandchild of a member of the Class of 1977 may receive the award. After 9/1/37, awards will be made at the discretion of Student Financial Services.

Class of 1982 Bridge Scholarship

Established in 2024 by the MVNU Class of 1982.
This scholarship creates access to transformative off-campus study opportunities - MVNU students from the U.S. studying away and international students studying at MVNU.

Clay/Wiens Coshocton Zone Ministerial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2003 to honor D E Clay and Bob Wiens.
This scholarship is awarded to students from the NCO District, with first priority to the Coshocton Zone, who are majoring in the pastorate or missions, maintain a 2.5+ GPA, demonstrate financial need, and have been recommended by their pastor and department head.

Bill & Lois Cole Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2012 in memory of Bill and Lois Cole.
This scholarship is awarded to students who are members of the Bethel Church of the Nazarene, maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA, demonstrate financial need, and have a recommendation from the Bethel Church of the Nazarene Pastor or Board.

Columbus Whitehall Church Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1998 by Viola DeVore in conjunction with Columbus Whitehall Church of the Nazarene.
This scholarship is awarded to pastors furthering their education through a Graduate and Professional Studies program and/or students from Whitehall Church of the Nazarene who demonstrate financial need and maintain a 2.5+ GPA. If none, then SCO District students may be awarded. The pastor and/or church board will confirm all awards.

Compass Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2012 by Doris J Leonard.
This scholarship is awarded to students who attend Bethel Nazarene or another SWO District church, are actively involved in church and community, with 3.0+ GPA for 2 consecutive semesters and recommendation from senior or youth pastor. Requires essay on how he/she displays marks of a Christ-follower.

The Congregation Backed Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2024 by the Knox County Foundation.
Established as an endowment through the Knox County Foundation, this scholarship is awarded to students with preference to traditional undergraduate students admitted to MVNU within four years after high school, are in good academic standing, demonstrate financial need, have a pastor or youth advisor's recommendation that they have been in good standing in their local congregation, and are either from a Church of the Nazarene congregation which participates in the education budget allocation process financially supporting MVNU, or another Christian congregation which provides financial support to MVNU or direct scholarship support to the student.

Coshocton First Church Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2000 by the Coshocton First Church of the Nazarene.
This scholarship is awarded to students from the NCO District, with first priority to Coshocton First members, who maintain a 2.5+ GPA, are majoring in the pastorate or missions, demonstrate financial need, and have been recommended by their pastor and department head.

Couchenour Social Work Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2004 to honor Jim and Pat Couchenour.
This scholarship is awarded to senior social work majors formally admitted to field placement program, (3.0+ GPA preferred), who have expressed a call to the social work field with a local agency or recognized international ministry, and have 1 personal and 1 professional recommendation.

Cougar Sports Association Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2002 by the Cougar Sports Association.
This scholarship is awarded to intercollegiate athletes who demonstrate church, school, and/or community involvement, display leadership qualities, have been recommended by a former coach or teacher, have a high school GPA of 2.5+, and maintain a 2.5+ GPA while at MVNU.

Raymond & Shirley Crisp Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1985 by Raymond and Shirley Crisp.
This scholarship is awarded to students from Mason or Boyd Counties in Kentucky with a 2.5+ GPA. If none, it may be awarded to students from the Eastern Kentucky District of the Church of the Nazarene.

Crump Family Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2000 by William and Betty Jo Crump.
This scholarship is awarded principally to needy students from the West Virginia North District, majoring in Christian Education or preparing for the ministry.

Dr. David Cubie Endowment Project Scholarship

Established in 2006 as a tribute to the career of Dr. David Cubie.
This scholarship is awarded to sophomores, juniors, or seniors majoring in a program offered in the School of Christian Ministry, who have maintained a 3.0+ GPA and demonstrate financial need.

Dr. Genevieve Cubie Literature Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2011 in memory of Dr. Genevieve M. Cubie.
This scholarship is awarded to a sophomore, junior, or senior literature major showing academic strength in literature with a 3.0+ GPA

Jeffrey John Cubbon Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1993 in memory of Jeffrey John Cubbon.
This scholarship is awarded to sophomore, junior or senior Religion majors who demonstrate a compassion for the needs of others and a cross-cultural missions commitment. Full-time students in good academic standing who show financial need are considered for this scholarship.

William & Christine Culler Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2001 by William and Christine Culler.
This scholarship is awarded to students who maintain a 3.0+ GPA and demonstrate financial need.

Cougar Corner Scholarship Books Program Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2008 by Cougar Corner Bookstore.
This scholarship is awarded by Student Financial Services to students who demonstrate financial need. Funds are transferred to a bookstore account earmarked for the purchase of textbooks, or may be used as reimbursement for textbooks purchased elsewhere.

Dennis Dalton Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1985 in memory of Dennis Dalton.
This scholarship is awarded to a Business or Computer Science majors from the Southwestern Ohio District. Students must demonstrate financial need, but not be receiving federal or state grants. Preference is given to juniors and seniors.

Blessing Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2011 through the estate of Darlene G Blessing.
This scholarship is awarded to students at the discretion of Student Financial Services.

James D. and Ruby L. Davidson Endowment

Established in 2018 by John and Amy Keyser.
This scholarship is awarded to full-time first-generational students enrolled in a traditional undergraduate program. Recipients must demonstrate academic excellence.

Jean R. Davis Scholarship

Established in 2011 through the estate of Jean R Davis.
This scholarship is awarded to Knox County residents demonstrating financial need and academic promise, majoring in Education or Christian Ministry, and having a 3.0+ GPA. Requires a one-page essay that explores their personal faith and how their faith is manifested in daily life.

Be Hope Church Ministerial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2000 by Dayton Beavercreek Church of the Nazarene.
This scholarship is awarded to juniors or seniors who have declared a major in the School of Christian Ministry, have a 2.5+ GPA, are recommended by the department head, and are members of the Church of the Nazarene from the SWO District, or secondly from Ohio.

Dayton Parkview Ministerial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2000 by Dayton Parkview Church of the Nazarene.
This scholarship is awarded to students from the SWO District who are members of the Church of the Nazarene, have declared a major in the School of Christian Ministry, have a 3.0+ GPA, and have been recommended by their pastor.

Clifton & Nelle DeBord Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1994 through the estate of Clifton and Nelle DeBord.
This scholarship is awarded to first-time or returning students, especially freshmen, from the Eastern Kentucky District who demonstrate financial need and have a 3.0+ GPA (high school or college, with exceptions made in consultation with the district superintendent).

Dial (Caddo Cup) Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1985 through the estate of Glen Edwin Dial.
This scholarship is awarded to qualified students who demonstrate financial need.

Nicole Dickinson Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2001 in memory of Nicole Dickinson.
This scholarship is awarded to an Education major with a 3.3+ GPA. The student must demonstrate financial need and must have an expressed testimony for Jesus Christ. The Awarding Committee, should include two members from the Education Department and one from the Student Life Office.

Hans Dietz Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1991 in memory of Hans Dietz.
This scholarship is awarded to students who are faithfully attending members of Chester Church of the Nazarene in Chester, WV, who maintain a C average and good moral Christian values. If none from Chester, then students from WVN, then WVS Districts may be awarded.

Doenges Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1999 by Stephen and Karen Doenges.
This scholarship is awarded to juniors and seniors majoring in Early Childhood, Middle Childhood with Math concentration, or Integrated Math Education, or preparing to serve as a medical missionary, who are members of the Church of the Nazarene, have maintained a 3.0+ GPA, and have been recommended by a professor.

Doenges Nurse Missionary Award Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2010 by Kelvin and Teresa Wood.
This scholarship is awarded to senior nursing students who exemplify the ministry of nursing through leadership or participation in mission work, either globally or in the local community.

David Dooley Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1995 in memory of David Dooley.
This scholarship is awarded to students who plan for full-time ministry, have financial need, and have maintained a 2.0+ GPA.

Blanche Opal Dotson Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1985 in memory of Blanche Opal Dotson.
This scholarship is awarded to students from Greene County, Ohio, who are majoring in Business and are classified as a sophomore or above with a minimum GPA of 2.0.

Dolorees Dutoit Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1999 by Dolorees Dutoit.
This scholarship is awarded to students with good character, who demonstrate financial need, and are majoring in Music or involved in women's sports.

John J. Donoho Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2016 by Lora H. Donoho in memory of John J. Donoho.
This scholarship is awarded to students who have been recommended by a professor or student life staff member.

East Central Field NYI Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2006 by the East Central Field NYI.
This scholarship is awarded to incoming freshmen who are active in a local church in the East Central Field, are professing Christians, displayed academic performance in high school, were involved in NYI at local, district, and regional levels, and have demonstrated service to others.

East Ohio District Church of the Nazarene General Endowment

Established in 2020 by the East Ohio District Church of the Nazarene.
This scholarship is awarded to traditional undergraduate students from the East Ohio District.

East Ohio District Ministerial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1998 by the East Ohio District.
This scholarship is awarded to students from the East Ohio District who are members of the Church of the Nazarene, have declared a major in the School of Christian Ministry, have maintained a 2.5+ GPA, and have been recommended by their pastor.

Eastern Kentucky District Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1995 by the Eastern Kentucky District.
This scholarship is awarded to new and returning students who demonstrate financial need and potential for college. Awards are made in consultation with the District Superintendent.

Eastern Kentucky District All Student Scholarship

Established in 2017 by the Eastern Kentucky District.
This scholarship is awarded to all traditional undergraduate students from the Eastern Kentucky District.

Eshenaur Family Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2015 by Charles Eshenaur.
This scholarship honors his late wife, Pauline, and the families of: Matt and Bobbie Eshenaur; Steve ('92) and Lori (Pittman, '93) Eshenaur; Phillip ('00) and Amber Eshenaur; Mike and Annette (Esheneaur) Conner. It is awarded to students from West Virginia with a 2.5+ GPA. Preference is given to students with a Nazarene or Wesleyan background.

Mary Eubel/Stan Friedline Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2001 in memory of Mary Eubel and Stan Friedline.
This scholarship is awarded to students who are members of the Tipp City Church of the Nazarene, feel a call to the ministry, are in good academic standing, and demonstrate financial need. If no qualified ministerial student, "having a call to ministry" shall be waived.

Chester Fannin Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1994 in memory of Chester Fannin.
This scholarship is awarded to a male student from Greene, Montgomery, or Clark Counties in Ohio, who is a sophomore with satisfactory academic progress and financial need.

Roland E. & Juanita B. Ferguson Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2006 in memory of Roland E. Ferguson, and then also dedicated to Juanita B. Ferguson in 2013.
This scholarship is awarded to Business majors who demonstrate financial need. It is available to traditional and GPS students.

Bahram Fessehazion Multi-Cultural Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2002 in memory of Bahram Fessehazion.
This scholarship is awarded to multi-cultural students with preference given in the following order: 1) from Horn of Africa; 2) from continent of Africa; 3) a minister's child whose parents serve in Africa; or 4) from the Eritrean community of Columbus.

Jack & Marge Filmer Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2009 to honor Jack and Marge Filmer.
This scholarship is awarded to students with a major or minor in the School of Christian Ministry who demonstrate financial need, have a 2.5+ GPA, and have been recommended by their pastor.

Ruby Fisher Scholarship

Established as an endowment by Ruby Fisher through the Church of the Nazarene Foundation.
This scholarship is awarded to ministerial and missionary students of the Nazarene religious faith.

Chet Foraker Athletic Endowment

Established in 1993 with the assistance of Chet Foraker.
This endowment is to be used for Athletics at the discretion of the Athletic Director with an emphasis on Men's Basketball, while continually broadening distribution to other sports as the endowment grows.

Forseth Family Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1998 by Eric and Kimberly Forseth.
This scholarship is awarded to an Education / Physical Education major, as jointly agreed upon by the Chairs of both departments. If no Phys Ed nomination, then the award will go to a Teacher Education student as named by the Education Department Chair. Student must maintain a 2.5+ GPA.

Dale & Edith Foster Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2015 through the estate of Dale and Edith Foster.
This scholarship is awarded to students majoring in Early Childhood Education and maintaining a 3.0+ GPA, and students majoring in Biology or Chemistry (Pre-Medical and/or Allied Health tracks) with a 3.5+ GPA. Available funds will be divided among eligible students by the Awarding Committee; if funds are limited, awards should be made to eligible students with the greatest financial need.

Foster Baseball Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1996 by Dale and Edith Foster.
This scholarship is awarded to intercollegiate athletes at the coach's discretion, in consultation with the Athletic Director and the Vice President for University Relations.

Foster Golf Endowed Scholarship

Established by Dale and Edith Foster.
Established in 1994 by Dale and Edith Foster, this scholarship is awarded to intercollegiate athletes who demonstrate exceptional ability and/or financial need. It is given at the coach's discretion, in consultation with the Athletic Director & the Vice President for University Relations.

Foster Men's Basketball Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1999 by Dale and Edith Foster.
This scholarship is awarded to intercollegiate athletes who demonstrate exceptional ability and/or financial need. It is given at the coach's discretion, in consultation with the Athletic Director and the Vice President for University Relations.

Foster Women's Basketball Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1999 by Dale and Edith Foster.
This scholarship is awarded to intercollegiate athletes who demonstrate exceptional ability and/or financial need. It is given at the coach's discretion, in consultation with the Athletic Director and the Vice President for University Relations.

Foster Women's Volleyball Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1999 by Dale and Edith Foster.
This scholarship is awarded to intercollegiate athletes who demonstrate exceptional ability and/or financial need. It is given at the coach's discretion, in consultation with the Athletic Director and the Vice President for University Relations.

Ronald & Shirley Fuller Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2010 by Ronald Fuller.
This scholarship is awarded to students who are members of the Church of the Nazarene, demonstrate financial need, and live in southeastern Ohio, with preference to Belmont, Guernsey, Harrison, Monroe, Noble, or Tuscarawas Counties.

Mary Ann Gallagher Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1995 in memory of Mary Ann Gallagher.
This scholarship is awarded to a student from Knox County, Ohio, who is majoring in Secondary Education. She or He may live on or off campus, with no age preference. If no one meets these requirements, an Education major or an Ohio resident may receive the scholarship.

GAR Foundation Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1993 by the GAR Foundation.
This scholarship is awarded to juniors and seniors who have demonstrated high achievement and scholarship in the field of Business.

Larry & Celia Gardner Ministerial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2014 by Larry Gardner.
This scholarship is awarded to a junior pastoral ministries major who is a graduate from a Knox County high school and plans to pastor a Nazarene church. Secondary preference will be given to a junior pastoral ministries major from the North Central Ohio District who plans to pastor a Nazarene church.

Paul George Memorial Scholarship

Established in 2004.
This scholarship is awarded to non-traditional undergraduate or GPS students with financial need and who possess a minimum 2.5 GPA.

William & Bernice Gibbs Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1985 in memory of William and Bernice Gibbs.
This scholarship is awarded to students majoring in Christian Education or preparing for the ministry. Eligible students must demonstrate financial need.

Alice Marie Goodwin Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1999 in memory of Alice Marie Goodwin.
This scholarship is awarded to a Music major who demonstrates financial need, maintains a 2.5+ GPA, is a sophomore, junior or senior, and has been recommended by the department head.

Granger Family Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2000 by David and Esther Granger.
This scholarship is awarded to students who are members of the Church of the Nazarene, demonstrate community and/or church service, demonstrate financial need, and maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA.

Walter & Elaine Gray Christian Service Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2024 by Wade and Monica Gray.
This scholarship will be awarded annually to students with demonstrated financial need with a preference to students who demonstrate involvement and service within their local church (e.g., serving in worship, discipleship, church office, property maintenance, etc.). Additional preference will be given to students who are affiliated with the Church of the Nazarene and the North Central Ohio District.

Ted and Lelia Grote Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2016 through the estate of Ted and Leila Grote.
This scholarship is awarded to students with a ministerial major who demonstrate financial need.

Hansher Family Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2008 by Kevin and Teresa Hansher.
This scholarship is awarded to students who have a final cumulative high school GPA of 3.5+, and have maintained a 3.0+ GPA in college.

Rev. Shirley G. Harbach Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2020 in memory of Rev. Shirley G. Harbach.
This scholarship is awarded to traditional and non-traditional students with a major in the School of Christian Ministry.

Harmon Family Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2010 by Rick and Anita Harmon.
This scholarship is awarded to students who have been home-schooled for at least one year during their junior or senior high school years. This scholarship may follow the student throughout their remaining years at MVNU, as long as they maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.

Rev. Wesley J. & Judy A. Hawes Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2002 in memory of Wesley J Hawes, and then also Judy A Hawes in 2005.
This scholarship is awarded to students who demonstrate financial need, have declared a major in the School of Christian Ministry, have a 2.5+ GPA, and are juniors or seniors (minimum 2nd yr GPS), with special consideration to students age 28+ with at least 5 years in a secular career.

Chauncey & Betty Hayes Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1999 by Chauncey and Betty Hayes.
This scholarship is awarded to students who are Education majors.

Dr. Harold & Betty Henderson Ministry Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2023 by Dr. Harold and Betty Henderson.
This scholarship is awarded to worthy and needy students at MVNU who are preparing for full-time Christian ministry in the Church of the Nazarene. Preference shall be given to Pastoral Ministry majors; however, other full-time ministry majors may be considered.

Laverne O. Hart International Student Support Grant Endowment

Established in 2024 by Lisa Hart and Josue Laborde in memory of Laverne O. Hart.
This endowment supports international students at Mount Vernon Nazarene University. Funds can be utilized for tuition, room and board, textbook stipends, student fees, or other student needs as determined by the leadership of the Fairbanks Center for Global Engagement.

Hedrick Family Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2003 by Spencer and Naomi Hedrick.
This scholarship is awarded to juniors who are Teacher Education majors and have been recommended by the department head, maintain a 3.0+ GPA, and demonstrate financial need but whose parents are unable to meet that need.

Lora Hernandez Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1999 in memory of Lora Hernandez.
This scholarship is awarded by recommendation of the Music Department to a non-music major who is involved in MVNU's music program. Preference is given to out-of-state students.

Tim Hodges Memorial Baseball Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2005 in memory of Tim Hodges.
This scholarship is awarded to a member or recruit of the MVNU Baseball Team who is a freshman or sophomore, demonstrates financial need, is a member of the Church of the Nazarene, and has been recommended by their pastor and the baseball coach.

Harvey & Lorena Hookway Multi-Cultural Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2005 through the estate of Harvey and Lorena Hookway.
This scholarship is awarded to minority students who maintain a 2.0+ GPA and demonstrate financial need.

Clifford & Nina Huff Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2023 in memory of Clifford and Nina Huff.
This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students at Mount Vernon Nazarene University majoring in Art or Music.

Dorothy Hundley Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1993 in memory of Dorothy Hundley.
This scholarship is awarded to select ministerial students from West Virginia.

Rev. Michael & Patricia Hutchens Bridge Scholarship Endowment

Established in 2024 by Patrick D. and Joyce K. Webster in honor of Rev. Michael and Patricia Hutchens who were formative influences in Joyce's life, and expressed a lifelong commitment to Christian higher education.
This endowment will provide bridge scholarships through the Fairbanks Center for Global Engagement to create and expand student access to transformative study and service opportunities to and from the MVNU campus, through grants and scholarships administered by the Director of the Fairbanks Center for Global Engagement.

Hyson Family Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1993 by Frank and Dolores Hyson.
This scholarship is awarded to students who are members of the Church of the Nazarene, demonstrate financial need, and have the ability to succeed and benefit from the university experience.

Russell & Georgia Jellison Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2002 by Georgia Jellison.
This scholarship is awarded to sophomores, juniors, or seniors from the Central Ohio District or Pennsylvania who demonstrate financial need and maintain a 2.75+ GPA.

Jetter Mission Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1985 by George and Esther Jetter.
This scholarship is awarded to Nazarene students who maintain a 2.5+ GPA, and are dependent children of active missionaries, or Intercultural Studies majors who feel called to full-time Christian ministry.

Harold & Roberta Johnson Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2008 through the estate of Harold and Roberta Johnson.
This scholarship is awarded to residents of Knox County, Ohio, one male and one female, who demonstrate financial need and maintain a 2.5+ GPA. Preference is given to Mount Vernon High School graduates. Scholarship is renewable all 4 years if need and GPA requirements are met.

Rick A. & Victoria A. Johnson Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2005 by Rick and Victoria Johnson.
This scholarship is awarded to students with financial need who maintain a 2.5+ GPA. Preference is given to students from Hocking County, then Vinton, Perry, Athens or Meigs Counties. If none from those counties, students who most closely meet the criteria may receive the award.

Kahrl Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1999 by K. Allin and Evelyn Kahrl.
Serving as a memorial to their community leadership and staunch belief in higher education for all, this scholarship is awarded at the discretion of Student Financial Services.

Keyser Family Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2007 by John and Amy Keyser.
This scholarship is awarded to African-American students who demonstrate need and have maintained a 3.0+ GPA, with preference to Accounting majors who intend to become CPAs and pursue careers in public accounting.

Estella Hayes Kirkman MK Student Scholarships Endowment

Established in 2024 by Leonard and Betty Boesger.
This scholarship is awarded in honor of Estella Hayes Kirkman, who served as a missionary to China with the China Inland Mission. This scholarship is available to children of missionaries to help off-set the cost of attending MVNU.

Wendell Kizzee Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1999 by Phillip Wendell and Vivian Kizzee.
This scholarship is awarded to students from the NCO District with a commitment to the pastorate or missions, who demonstrate financial need, maintain a 2.5+ GPA, and have a recommendation from their pastor. Preference is given to students from Westlake Parkside Church, and then Elyria Zone.

Klotz Ministerial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2007 by Robert and Sarah Klotz.
This scholarship is awarded to students from the First Church of the Nazarene in Fostoria, Ohio. Preference is given to male Religion majors or Intercultural Studies majors (male or female). If none, may be awarded to dependents of Nazarene pastors. Financial need and 2.5+ GPA are also required.

Dixie Kucheravy Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2014 in memory of Dixie Kucheravy.
This scholarship is awarded to students that have a 3.0+ GPA, demonstrate financial need, and submit a recommendation from their pastor.

Charles B. and Virginia F. Lail Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2006 in memory of Charles B. and Virginia F. Lail.
This scholarship is awarded to a member of Bethel or Felicity Church of the Nazarene. If there are no students from either church, it may be awarded to an Education or School of Christian Ministry major.

Carol Bennett Larson Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2023 by Carol Larson.
This scholarship is awarded to Elementary Education majors, preferably with a concentration in Early Childhood Education.

Dr. Joseph Lechner Endowment Project

Established in 2005 as a tribute to the career of Dr. Joseph Lechner.
This scholarship is awarded by recommendation of the Natural Sciences Department to a junior or senior with a 3.5+ GPA who is majoring in Biology, Chemistry, Physical Science, Computer Science, or Math. It is awarded by committee only and is non-renewable.

Leonard / Wade Advanced Leadership Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2012 by Doris Leonard.
This scholarship is awarded to graduate students who are Nazarene members, maintain a 3.0+ GPA, demonstrate financial need, have a recommendation from their pastor or district superintendent, and have served as ministerial staff in a local church for past 5+ years. Preference is given to ministerial staff from 1) Bethel Nazarene, then 2) SWO District, and then 3) MVNU region.

Lima Community Ministerial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2000 by the Lima Community Church.
This scholarship is awarded to students who have declared a major in the School of Christian Ministry, have a 3.0+ GPA, demonstrate financial need, and have been recommended by the department head.

Logan Family Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2000 by the Lima Community Church.
This scholarship is awarded to students who have declared a major in the School of Christian Ministry, have a 3.0+ GPA, demonstrate financial need, and have been recommended by the department head.

Melissa Logan Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1992 in memory of Melissa Logan.
This scholarship is awarded to a junior or senior who has declared a major in the School of Christian Ministry, has a 2.5+ GPA, and demonstrates a vibrant Christian testimony.

Rev. Russell J. Sr. and Patricia Long Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2004 in memory of Rev Russell J Long, Sr.
This scholarship is awarded to ministerial students from the East Ohio District. If no ministerial students from East Ohio District, then a Nazarene student from the East Ohio District may be selected.

D. L. Manion Computer Science Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2006 in memory of Dean L Manion.
This scholarship is awarded to a Computer Science major (annual award of $500).

John May Ministerial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2001 in memory of John May.
This scholarship is awarded to students from the West Virginia South, West Virginia North, or Eastern Kentucky Districts who have declared a major in the School of Christian Ministry, maintain a 2.5+ GPA, and demonstrate financial need.

Charles R. McCall Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2016 by Charles R. McCall.
This scholarship is awarded to students that demonstrate academic excellence and achievement in Biblical Studies. The recipient is selected in consultation with the Dean of the School of Christian Ministry.

L Thomas & Kitty Lynn McCann Family Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2015 by L Thomas and Kitty Lynn McCann.
This scholarship honors the families of: Cavan K McCann; Myron L Gulley; Justin N McCann. It is awarded to students majoring in Engineering or Education with a 3.0+ GPA. Preference is given to students with Nazarene or Wesleyan background.

McDaniel Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1999 by Michael and Stephanie McDaniel.
This scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students who are members of Marion First Church of the Nazarene, Marion First Church pastoral staff enrolled in any program, or undergraduate students who are children of McDaniel Automotive employees.

Elmer J. McGraw Ministerial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2005 through the estate of Elmer J McGraw.
This scholarship is awarded to students who are members of the Church of the Nazarene, have declared a major in the School of Christian Ministry, have a 2.5+ GPA, demonstrate financial need, and have been recommended by their pastor.

Jesse & Elizabeth Melton Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2005 to honor Jesse and Elizabeth Melton.
This scholarship is awarded to students from the Pittsburgh, PA, District who are members of the Church of the Nazarene, have a 2.5+ GPA, and demonstrate financial need.

Paul Merki Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2000, and dedicated to the memory of Paul Merki.
This scholarship is awarded to students who have declared a major in the School of Christian Ministry, maintain a 2.5+ GPA, demonstrate financial need, are sophomores, juniors or seniors, and have been recommended by their pastor.

The Mershon Family Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2023 by Steve Mershon and Candi Moore.
This scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate student at MVNU who is a graduate of a high school located in Licking, Scioto, or Marion Counties in Ohio, or home-schooled while a resident in one of those counties. The student must have a high school GPA of 3.5+ and maintain a college GPA of 3.0+.

Joseph & Peggy Metzger Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2004 in memory of Joseph and Peggy Metzger.
This scholarship is awarded to 2 GPS students enrolled in the MBA or MSM programs with a 3.0+ GPA and demonstrate financial need.

Clayton J. Meyer Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1995 in memory of Clayton J Meyer.
This scholarship is awarded to a junior or senior Biology major with a 3.0+ GPA who is a member of the Church of the Nazarene, and demonstrates financial need. The award is made by recommendation of the Biology Department, in conjunction with the Dean of Students and Student Financial Services.

Norman & Beatrice Meyer Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2002 through the estate of Norman and Beatrice Meyer.
This scholarship is awarded to students from the Springdale Church of the Nazarene. If none, it may be awarded to low-income students at the discretion of Student Financial Services.

Pauline O. Miller Ministerial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2005 through the estate of Pauline O Miller.
This scholarship is awarded to students who have declared a major in the School of Christian Ministry, demonstrate financial need, maintain a 2.5+ GPA, and have been recommended by their pastor.

Ministerial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1998.
This scholarship is awarded to ministerial students with financial need at the discretion of Student Financial Services.

Carl & Della Moles Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2000 by Carl and Della Moles.
This scholarship is awarded to students from the West Virginia South District who demonstrate financial need, and are majoring in Christian Education or preparing for the ministry.

C. T. Moore Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1993 in memory of C T Moore.
This scholarship is awarded to students who demonstrate financial need. Priority is given to descendants of Rev Moore.

Percy & Betty Morrison Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2000 in memory of Percy and Betty Morrison.
This scholarship is awarded to students who are unable to attend without financial assistance. The student must be deemed worthy, as determined by the Awarding Committee. If no one, then it may be awarded to one that most closely meets the criteria.

Mt. Sterling, Ohio, First Church Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2006 by the Mount Sterling First Church of the Nazarene.
This scholarship is awarded to students who are members of the Mount Sterling First Church of the Nazarene in Ohio. Students must have a 2.25+ GPA, and a recommendation from the Church Board.

Mount Vernon First Church Ministerial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2000 by the Mount Vernon First Church of the Nazarene.
This scholarship is awarded to students from the NCO District who are members of the Church of the Nazarene, demonstrate financial need, maintain a 2.5+ GPA, are juniors, and are planning a career in the ministry or mission field.

Stephen W. & Christine H. Nease Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1995 by Stephen and Christine Nease.
This scholarship is awarded to students who plan to enter a preaching ministry and feel called by the Lord to such service.

Neil/Goode Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2023 in honor and lasting memory of Calvin & Lucille Neil and Gale & Doris Goode.
This scholarship is awarded to students majoring in Christian Ministry, Business, Music, or to a member of the Baseball Team. The student must exhibit a willingness to work hard, compete and have a humble and thankful spirit. Preference is given to students from these historic church zones: Indianapolis, Akron, Northwest IL, Northeast OH, Michigan, or North Carolina; or from churches pastored or planted by Gale and Doris Goode in Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and North Carolina.

John Nesbit Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2009 in memory of John Nesbit.
This scholarship is awarded to Communication or Marketing majors who are graduates of Mt. Vernon (OH) High School and have a 3.0+ GPA.

Grace Life Church of the Nazarene Ministerial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2001 by the New Albany First Church of the Nazarene.
This scholarship is awarded to students who are members of the Church of the Nazarene, have declared a major in the School of Christian Ministry, maintain a 2.5+ GPA, demonstrate financial need, and have a recommendation from their pastor and department head.

Newman-Causey Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2006 to honor Dottie Newman and Mary Causey.
This scholarship is awarded to students with a major or minor in Criminal Justice who demonstrate financial need and maintain a 2.5+ GPA.

Rev. Claude & Janet Nicholas Bridge Scholarship

Established in 2023 by the Nicholas Family.
This scholarship creates access to transformative off-campus study opportunities – MVNU students from the U.S. studying away and international students studying at MVNU.

North Central Ohio District Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1985 by the North Central Ohio District.
This scholarship is awarded to full-time students affiliated with the Church of the Nazarene in the NCO District who have a 2.0+ GPA and demonstrate financial need. Recipients should be a freshman or a minister's child or enrolled in the School of Christian Ministry.

Northwestern Ohio Ministerial Scholarship

Established in 2000 by the Northwestern Ohio District.
This scholarship is awarded to ministerial students who are members of the Church of the Nazarene on the Northwestern Ohio District.

Bruce & Peggy Oldham Ministerial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2000 by Bruce and Peggy Oldham.
This scholarship is awarded to Nazarene students who have declared a major in the School of Christian Ministry, maintain a 2.5+ GPA, and have been recommended by their pastor and the Dean of the School of Christian Ministry.

Ruth M. Ours Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1993 in memory of Ruth M Ours.
This scholarship is awarded to Elementary Education students with a 3.0+ GPA who demonstrate financial need or may be awarded to one who most closely meets the criteria.

Stanton Parry Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2012 in memory of Stanton Parry.
This scholarship is awarded to Business or Business Administration majors who maintain a 3.0+ GPA, demonstrate financial need, and have a recommendation from the department head or a supervising professor.

Clyde K. Patton Religion Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2005 to honor Clyde K Patton.
This scholarship is awarded to students who are majoring in Religion, demonstrate financial need, are sophomores, juniors or seniors, maintain a 2.5+ GPA, and have been recommended by the department head.

Mildred V. Patton Nursing Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2005 in memory of Mildred V Patton.
This scholarship is awarded to students who are majoring in Nursing, demonstrate financial need, maintain a 2.5+ GPA, are sophomores, juniors or seniors, and have been recommended by the department head.

Nelson & Barbara Perdue Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2007 to honor Nelson and Barbara Perdue.
This scholarship may be awarded to any student, with preference given to family members of Dr. & Mrs. Perdue and to students who have filed a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).

Diane Beile Perry Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2016 by James J. Perry in memory of Diane Beile Perry (1979).
This scholarship is awarded to students who are encountering financial difficulties due to the death of a parent. Recipients must exhibit scholastic success, maintaining a 3.0+ GPA, and be recommended by a professor.

Petrie Family & Friends Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1998 by Philip and June Petrie.
This scholarship is awarded to juniors accepted into the Education program who are members of the Church of the Nazarene, have a 3.0+ GPA, and have financial need but have not received an ACT scholarship. The scholarship is renewable for the senior year.

Robert D. Pitcock, Jr. Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1995 in memory of Robert D Pitcock, Jr.
This scholarship is awarded to students from the New Cumberland Church of the Nazarene in WV or to children of former pastors of the Church. Second preference is given to members of Weirton Church of the Nazarene, and third preference to any students with financial need.

Phi Delta Lambda Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1992 by Phi Delta Lambda members.
This scholarship is awarded to students who are members of Alpha Chi and have submitted an application to the Phi Delta Lambda Council. Applications are reviewed by the Council, and selection of a recipient is based equally on scholarship, Christian character, service to others, and leadership ability.

Pioneer Class Legacy Endowment

Established in 2018 by the Pioneer Class of 1970.
This scholarship is awarded to freshmen or sophomores with a 2.5+ GPA.

William J. & Evelyn Prince Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1993 by William and Evelyn Prince.
This scholarship is awarded to Nazarene students pursuing full-time ministry and demonstrating financial need. Preference is given to upperclassmen.

Pritchard Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1993 by William and Elizabeth Pritchard.
This scholarship is awarded to traditional students from the Painesville Church of the Nazarene who maintain a 3.0+ GPA and demonstrate financial need.

Marlin & Marla Raisch Scholarship

Established as an endowment through the Church of the Nazarene Foundation.
This scholarship is awarded to students studying for a medical profession.

Rake-Hernandez Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2016 by Janis Hernandez in memory of Lora Beth Hernandez and Myrtle and Lee Rake.
This scholarship is awarded to sophomore, junior, or senior education majors living outside of Ohio. The recipient(s) must be enrolled full-time in the traditional undergraduate education program.

Ralph R. Hodges Jr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2021 in memory of Ralph R. Hodges Jr..
This scholarship is awarded to students with financial need at the discretion of Student Financial Services.

Tom Rastin Engineering Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2016 by Tom Rastin.
This scholarship is awarded to students in the engineering program. First year applicants must have a 2.0+ GPA. Second year applicants must have a 3.0+ GPA in the MVNU engineering program. First preference is for students from a single parent home with financial need.

Charles & Virginia Reesman Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2000 in honor of Charles and Virginia Reesman.
This scholarship is awarded to sophomores, juniors and seniors demonstrating financial need, who have a 3.0+ GPA, and 3.5+ GPA in Biology, Physics & Chemistry related sciences, and submit a signed written statement professing/describing a personal relationship with Christ our Savior.

F. Wayne Reno Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2007 in memory of F Wayne Reno.
This scholarship is awarded to sophomores, juniors and seniors with a major or minor in Psychology or Education who demonstrate financial need, have a 2.5+ GPA, and have been recommended by their pastor, department head, counselor, or employer.

Melissa (Prater) Rex Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2014 in memory of Melissa (Prater) Rex.
This scholarship is given with preference to students in the Natural or Social Sciences with a 3.0+ GPA.

Pamela C. Rose Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1997 by Kim and Pamela Rose.
This scholarship is awarded to students or prospective students majoring in Elementary Education who have a 2.8+ GPA, demonstrate financial need, and have been recommended by the Education Department.

M & M Salsbury Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1992 by Marvin and Marilyn Salsbury.
This scholarship is awarded to students from single-parent families. Students must demonstrate financial need and be in good academic standing.

Daniel Gordon Sammons Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1985 by Bert and Lois Sammons in memory of their son, Daniel Sammons.
This scholarship is awarded to financially needy students from the Eastern Kentucky District. If no one from EK District meets the criteria, the scholarship may be awarded to students from another district.

Schuster Family Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1992 in memory of Clara Shaw Schuster.
This scholarship is awarded to physically disabled or handicapped students.

Palmer & Lucille Severance Bridge Scholarship

Established in 2023 by Palmer and Lucille Severance
This scholarship creates access to transformative off-campus study opportunities – MVNU students from the U.S. studying away and international students studying at MVNU.

Lewis M. Seymour Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1993 by Lewis M Seymour.
This scholarship is awarded to incoming pre-Nursing students who demonstrate potential to provide service in the healthcare field. The scholarship is renewable for the second year if a 3.1+ GPA is maintained.

B. J. Shoemaker Taylor Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1995 in memory of Beverly Jo Shoemaker Taylor.
This scholarship is awarded to students from Scioto County who demonstrate financial need.

Short Family Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2014 by Steve and Laura Short.
This scholarship is awarded to students with a major in Education and a 3.0+ GPA. Preference is given to students planning to teach in the public school system.

Sizemore Family Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2000 by Gregory and Cynthia Sizemore.
This scholarship is awarded to students who attend a Church of the Nazarene in the Eastern Kentucky District.

L. Thomas & Lois J. Skidmore Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1996 in memory of L Thomas and Lois J Skidmore.
This scholarship is awarded to juniors or seniors who demonstrate financial need, are members of the Church of the Nazarene, and have a 3.5+ GPA and 28+ ACT score. Awards are made in consultation with Student Financial Services, with preference to minimize student debt.

Jerry & Ernestine Slabaugh Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2007 to honor Jerry and Ernestine Slabaugh.
This scholarship is awarded to students majoring in Missions who demonstrate financial need, have a 2.5+ GPA, and are recommended by their pastor or department head.

Jim and Terri Smith Family Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2021 by Jim and Terri Smith.
This scholarship is awarded to students with financial need and a focused goal demonstrated by a declared major. Our goal is to help students move towards their vocational aspirations.

Southwestern Ohio District Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1999 by the Southwestern Ohio District.
This scholarship is awarded to members of the Church of the Nazarene from the SWO District who are ministerial students, maintain a 2.7+ GPA, demonstrate financial need, and have recommendations from their home pastor, MVNU pastor, and Religion Department.

Stoer Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1999 by David and Phyllis Stoer.
This scholarship is awarded to sophomores, juniors or seniors who are members of the Church of the Nazarene and demonstrate financial need.

William A. Stroud Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2015 through the estate of William A. Stroud.
This scholarship is awarded to traditional and nontraditional students demonstrating academic promise by maintaining a 2.5+ GPA.

Student Shalom Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2000 by Alvin Lawhead.
This scholarship is awarded to sophomores, juniors or seniors with a major in the School of Christian Ministry who have financial need, a 2.5+ GPA, and a recommendation from the department head. Preference is given to students from Ryot Church of the Nazarene in the Mid-Atlantic District.

Robert & Georgia E. Studt Scholarship

Established as an endowment through the Church of the Nazarene Foundation in memory of Robert & Georgia Studt.
This scholarship is awarded to students with a 3.0+ GPA.

Styers Ministerial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2001 by Robert and Dorothy Styers.
This scholarship is awarded to juniors or seniors from the Central Ohio District who have declared a major in the School of Christian Ministry, are members of the Church of the Nazarene, maintain a 2.5+ GPA, demonstrate financial need, and have a recommendation from their pastor.

Swartz Family Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2000 by Lyle and Ella Swartz.
This scholarship is awarded to juniors from the North Central Ohio District who are members of the Church of the Nazarene, demonstrate financial need, and maintain a 2.5+ GPA.

Raymond G. Taylor Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2007 to honor Raymond Taylor.
This scholarship is awarded to undergrad or grad students from the NCO or EO Districts who are members of the Church of the Nazarene, demonstrate financial need, maintain a 2.5+ GPA, and have a recommendation from their pastor. Preference is given to students from Ashtabula County and/or in ministry preparation.

Clifford D. Thomas Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2001 in memory of Clifford D Thomas.
This scholarship is awarded to members of the Tipp City Church of the Nazarene in Ohio. Although based primarily on financial need, recipients must also be in good academic standing. Preference is given to students feeling a call to full-time Christian ministry.

Glenn F. and Shirlee J. Thorne Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2015 in memory of Glenn F. and Shirlee J. Thorne.
This scholarship is awarded to students who have declared a major in the Jetter School of Business, maintain a 3.0+ GPA, and are recommended by the department chair or faculty. Financial need is a preference, but not a requirement.

Thorne Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1999 by William and Debra Thorne.
This scholarship is awarded to non-ministry majors who are juniors or seniors, maintain a 3.0+ GPA, and have been recommended by their department head.

James Valenta Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1993 in memory of James Valenta by Leonard and Betty Boesger.
This scholarship is awarded to students from inner-city Cleveland, as defined by those with home addresses in the zip codes: 44101, 44102, 44103, 44104, 44105, 44106, 44108, 44109, 44110, 44111, 44112, 44113, 44114, 44115, 44119, 44120, 44121, 44127, 44128, 44135, and 44144, with financial need.

Jacob E. Walls Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2010 in memory of Jacob Walls.
This scholarship is awarded to students from the South Central Ohio District majoring in Youth Ministry who maintain a 2.5+ GPA. If none, it may be awarded to ministerial students majoring in Missions or other religion fields.

Ware Endowed Scholarship Established

Established in 2002 by Herbert and Carol Ann Ware.
This scholarship is awarded to students from the Southwestern Ohio District who demonstrate financial need and maintain a 3.0+ GPA. Preference is given to Brown County residents.

Emily Mary Watson Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1984 in memory of Emily Mary Watson.
This scholarship is awarded to students from Miami County, Ohio, who demonstrate financial need.

The Clara C. & Walton G. Webb Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2001 by William and Doris Webb.
And then dedicated to the memory of Clara and Walton Webb, this scholarship is awarded to Nazarene students who have financial need, and a 2.5+ GPA in any area of study, with preference given to student athletes.

Crispin Webb Art Award

Established in 2003 by the Art Alumni Society.
This scholarship is awarded by nomination of the Art Department to a senior Art major with a 3.0+ GPA.

Frederick L. & Sally A. Weghorst Family Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2015 by Frederick Weghorst.
This scholarship is awarded to three full-time undergraduate students entering their senior year - one each from the School of Business, School of Education & Professional Studies, and School of Natural & Social Sciences. Each student must demonstrate academic excellence with a 3.2+ GPA, be actively involved in a Church of the Nazarene, and be recommended by their respective department chair and pastor.

Wellmon/Chesnut Family Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1985 by the Wellmon and Chesnut families.
This scholarship is awarded to full-time undergraduate students who attend Mount Vernon Nazarene University from a Spanish speaking country outside the United States.

Wendy's Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2021 by Wendy's.
This scholarship is awarded to traditional undergraduate students participating in intercollegiate sports with a major in Accounting, Finance or Management.

West Chester Ministerial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1999 by the West Chester Church of the Nazarene.
This scholarship is awarded to Ministry majors from the West Chester Church who maintain a 3.0+ GPA.

West Chester Non-Ministerial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2004 by the West Chester Church of the Nazarene.
This scholarship is awarded to students from the West Chester Church with a 3.0+ GPA.

West Virginia North District Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1985 by the West Virginia North District.
This scholarship is awarded to students from the WVN District who demonstrate financial need.

West Virginia North District Ministerial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2001 by the West Virginia North District.
This scholarship is awarded to students from the WVN District who are members of the Church of the Nazarene, have declared a major in the School of Christian Ministry, have a 3.0+ GPA, and are recommended by their home church pastor.

West Virginia South District Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1985 by the West Virginia South District.
This scholarship is awarded to Nazarene students who demonstrate financial need.

John and Janie Westbrook Ministerial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2000 by Betty Boesger to honor her parents, John and Janie Westbrook.
This scholarship is awarded to ministerial students.

Whiston Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1998 by Howard Whiston.
This scholarship is awarded to students from Morrow County, Ohio, who demonstrate financial need.

Jeffery A. Wittung Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2010 in memory of Jeffery Wittung.
This scholarship is awarded by nomination of the Religion Department faculty to juniors or seniors majoring in Religion with a 3.75+ GPA. Selection is based on outstanding academic achievement, academic / scholarly promise, and exemplary character / Christian witness.

WNZR Commmunity Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2015 through generous listener support.
This scholarship is awarded to a sophomore, junior, or senior Communication and Media major who demonstrates high achievement and scholarship, maintaining a 3.0+ GPA within the major. Awards are made in consultation with department faculty and may be renewable if achievement and GPA requirements are met.

Women's Auxiliary Main Campus Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1993 by the Women's Auxiliary.
This scholarship is awarded to students with a 3.0+ GPA. Selections are based on financial need and campus involvement.

Mildred B. Wynkoop Ministry Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2005 by Alexander and Marcia Varughese to honor Mildred Wynkoop.
This scholarship is awarded to ministry students, preferably seniors, with a major in Religion, or Ministry with a focus on Education, Children, Youth, or Pastoral, and with a commitment to ministry in a local church or Christian higher education. Recommendation from the School of Christian Ministry Dean required.

Xenia Church of the Nazarene Ministerial Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2002 by the Xenia Church of the Nazarene.
This scholarship is awarded to juniors and seniors who are members of the Church of the Nazarene in Ohio, have declared a major in the School of Christian Ministry, maintain a 2.5+ GPA, demonstrate financial need, and have been recommended by their pastor and department head.

David and Rhonda Yommer Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2002 by David and Rhonda Yommer.
This scholarship is awarded to students who attend Pineville Church of the Nazarene in NC. If none, then it may be awarded to 1) students from North Carolina District, or 2) Family & Consumer Science majors who have a 3.0+ GPA and demonstrate financial need.

Dr. William Youngman Endowed Scholarship

Established in 2019 in memory of Dr. William Youngman, this scholarship is awarded to traditional or non-traditional students with a major in the School of Christian Ministry.

Annamay Zagray Endowed Scholarship

Established in 1993 by Annamay Zagray.
This scholarship is awarded to students from Canton First Church of the Nazarene with financial need. Preference is given to first-time freshmen and ministerial students. If none from Canton First, it may be awarded to students from East Ohio District. ($500 per award)


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