Giving FAQ
Giving FAQ’s
Have questions about supporting Mount Vernon Nazarene University? This FAQ section provides clear and concise answers about how your generosity impacts our students, programs, and campus community. Explore the ways you can make a difference today!
Giving Society membership is based on our fiscal year of July 1- June 30. For opportunities for membership and recognition click here.
Yes, please call us at 1-800-367-9294, choose option 2 and we can enter your credit card information into our secure giving portal.
Go to and click Give Now.
Contact Darrel George at 740-397-6868 ext. 4302 to discuss your options.
Yes, there are certain criteria and guidelines. Please contact Darrel George at 740-397-6868 ext. 4302 for details.
Visit for the latest university news and announcements.
A gift of any amount is appreciated and recurring monthly gifts are especially needed as they help us plan for more than just the upcoming academic year.
If you would like to qualify for recognition in a Giving Society, the minimum gift is $1,000 or $85 per month.
Yes, a gift to the University Fund impacts students directly in a variety of ways:
- Providing tuition assistance to those in need
- Enhancing the quality of classroom and lab experiences
- Increasing the availability of service learning trips
- Supporting extra-curricular involvement … and so much more!
Yes, whether you give through the mail or online you will receive a receipt noting that your gift is tax deductible.
A gift to the University Fund is used to fund the most critical needs on campus, whether it is a student dealing with a crisis, to bridge the gap with need for tuition assistance, or toward funding a vital campus project or program.
A scholarship is given immediately to a student(s) who meets any specified criteria.
An endowment requires a minimum gift of $15,000 and then the interest will be given to a student(s) each year. This will greatly assist the university with ongoing financial stability.
What is the minimum gift level to establish an endowment?
For an endowed scholarship to be fully funded, a minimum of $15,000 is required. With your signed endowment proposal, you may make payments within a five year period to reach the funded level.
How long do I have to bring the endowment to the funding level?
The endowment must reach the minimum funding level within five (5) years of the date the agreement was signed.
If I am unable to bring the endowment to the funding level within the five year period, what happens to the funds?
MVNU will roll the contributions into the Christians Helping Others in Christian Education (CHOICE) endowed scholarship or another endowment that closely meets the established criteria.
Can I name my endowment?
Yes, the endowment can be named after your favorite professor, a relative or even yourself. It can be named to honor or memorialize someone special in your life.
Can I specify the purpose for my endowment?
Yes, but it must coincide with the mission of MVNU.
Can I select the students to receive scholarships from my endowment?
No. All scholarship awards are made by the Development Office. According to federal guidelines, any money named for a specific student is considered a payment to the student's account and is not tax deductible for the donor. You may, however, specify awarding criteria to assist a broad group of students, for example: male students, students from a certain state, county, or town, or students whose parents are MVNU alums.
Can awards to students be made from endowments with less than $15,000 in funds?
Scholarship awards cannot be made until the endowment reaches the $15,000 level with enough interest growth to make the award.
Are scholarships immediately available after an endowment is at the funding level?
No. The endowed scholarship fund needs an opportunity for investment growth so that when scholarship funds are awarded there is no invasion of the corpus.
If the value of my endowment drops below the corpus, will awards to students continue?
Awarding of funds will discontinue until the market value exceeds the amount originally contributed to the endowment.
Who is responsible for managing the endowment investments and administering the endowment program?
The Mount Vernon Nazarene University Foundation governs all funds and is responsible for ensuring the integrity of the program and the individual endowments. The MVNU Development office is responsible for managing the establishment of endowments and maintaining communications with the donors.
What type of funds may be used to establish an endowment?
Gifts of cash, stock, annuities, and charitable remainder trusts may be used to establish an endowment. Real estate, life insurance, and personal property may also be given as long as they meet the requirements as described in MVNU's Gift Acceptance Policy.
What are the necessary steps for establishing an endowment?
Complete the Endowment Agreement and mail to:
Mount Vernon Nazarene University
Development Office
800 Martinsburg Road
Mount Vernon, OH 43050
FAX to: 740-397-7609
You may also e-mail us at or call us at 800-367-9294, option 2.
One of our development officers will contact you to discuss your preferences and options for establishing an endowment.