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Spiritual Life

Grow in grace and discover opportunities for spiritual formation from a whole person perspective.

Spiritual Formation at MVNU

At MVNU, faith is vital to our identity. So we foster an environment that encourages growth in grace and to provide opportunities that address spiritual formation from a holistic perspective.

You’ll have the opportunity to practice a variety of spiritual disciplines throughout your time at MVNU, recognizing that each person encounters God in different ways. As a part of our corporate commitment to cultivate Christlikeness, we require every student to participate in MVNU’s Spiritual Formation Program. You’ll earn Spiritual Formation Credits through a variety of disciplines that include corporate worship (Chapel), small groups, mentoring, community service projects, and spiritual wellness initiatives.

A student worship band playing


Worshiping and learning together in Chapel is part of how we encounter God’s grace corporately as an MVNU community.

Small Groups and Mentoring

Freshmen Belong Groups, as well as Life Groups and Mentoring for Sophomores through Seniors, are a vital part of campus discipleship.

A health and physical education classroom

Community and Service Ministry Opportunities (CoSMO)

Engage in service in the local and surrounding communities and discover your passion and find ways to give back.

Spiritual Formation Credits

Explore more than 60 activities that count toward your required spiritual formation credits this semester.

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