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Honoring diversity on our campus and around the world

You Are Because I Am

We imagine ourselves as wholly unique, authors of our own stories in which those around us play the role of supporting cast. Yet, our faith tells us a different story. Our faith teaches us that we are all children of God, caught up together in the current of God’s redemptive story for all Creation.

The African philosophy of Ubuntu speaks to this corporate identity of humanity when it says, “I am because we are.” We acknowledge and declare this truth each year as a community of faith in our Ubuntu chapel services by proclaiming our unity in Christ. We seek to remember that we are swirled together in love by the Holy Spirit, not mixed as paint in which distinct color is lost. Rather, we are a community of distinct spices, blended together to complement, highlight and enhance one another to the glory of God.

This year, we held two Ubuntu services. The first service included a flag processional of all the more than two dozen nations represented on campus. International faculty and students hung their flags on the platform as a visual reminder of our rich diversity. Student worship leader Genesis Mena-Cruz led us in bilingual worship while international students and faculty led us in prayer and Scripture reading in their mother tongues. Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering Dr. Baonhe Sob of Cameroon shared an extraordinary testimony of God’s faithfulness to him and his family. Associate Professor Dr. Luiz Oliveira of Brazil bore witness to God’s goodness amid seemingly insurmountable challenges. Josiah Munro, a Business Administration major of Trinidad and Tobago, testified to God’s provision in his life that enabled him to attend MVNU.

In joy, we honor the diversity of our community and join the great multitude from every nation, tribe, people and language in Revelation 7 declaring together, “Salvation belongs to our God who is seated on the throne and to the Lamb.”

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