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On-campus classes will be offered in remote learning format on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025, due to extreme cold temperatures.

Accessibility Services



It is the policy of MVNU that no qualified persons with disabilities shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any of its programs or activities.

Any qualified student who has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities, such as walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning and/or working, can receive assistance at MVNU as provided in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and in the applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. The Accessibility Services Office serves as the campus contact for any disability-related needs that students may have. Below is a brief overview of Accessibility Services.

A qualified student is defined as an individual who, with or without reasonable accommodation, meets the requisite academic and technical standards required for admission or participation in educational programs and activities.

The Office of Accessibility Services’ mission is to facilitate equal access to all institutional opportunities for students who self-disclose documented disabilities and to foster a campus environment that is accessible, inclusive, and regulatorily compliant.


Students who request accommodations for disabilities must personally meet with the Coordinator of Accessibility Services to complete the process of registration. Students in the GPS programs or online courses will be able to discuss needs by telephone conversation.

Accommodations are not a “one size fits all” practice. Therefore information provided from the student regarding barriers that they encounter due to their disability, the accommodations that they have used that have benefited in the past, and any adaptive strategies and devices used previously is part of the process used to develop their individual accommodation plan while at MVNU. Documentation from an evaluation team report or 504 plan are helpful in the development of the accommodation plan. Acceptable documentation includes the following:

  • Date(s) of Evaluation
  • Diagnosis
  • Reference to the types of evaluation procedures utilized
  • Evaluation results and/or test scores (as appropriate)
  • Limitations of student functioning (especially as related to the higher education environment)
  • Recommendations for accommodations, which are helpful in assisting institutional personnel in determining appropriate and necessary support
  • An accurate and current picture of how the disability impacts the student at the present time, and thus in most cases, the documentation should be less than three years old


Unlike secondary school, students must self-disclose in order to receive accommodations with Accessibility Services. The student must personally request specific services each semester. Services are not provided for a student automatically. The student completes an Accommodations Request form to submit during each Semester Accessibility Conference. It is highly recommended that students communicate with each professor regarding accessibility-related issues in the respective courses, preferably prior to the beginning of each semester. Forms and/or email notifications are provided by Accessibility Services that verify an accommodation.

Academic adjustments and accommodations do not guarantee success; they guarantee equal access.

Common Accommodations

The most frequent accommodations are listed below. Other accommodations may be provided as needed, upon request.

Textbooks in Audio/Digital format

Students who have documented need for auditory access of textbook material may request textbooks in audio/digital format. Textbook information should be sent via email at least three weeks before the beginning of each semester. Information should include the ISBN number. Proof of ownership or rental receipt must be presented before the student receives the alternative media. Should a textbook not be available in digital format from the publisher the student’s purchased textbook can be scanned and process to digital format. The process includes removal of the binding therefore the book would not be eligible for return, if rented. Students receive the audio/digital formats on USB flash drives which are to be returned at the end of each semester.

Note Takers

Students who have documented needs for assistance with hand-written notes in class may request notes that are taken by another student in said class. Peer note takers serve as volunteers when available. Best practices have proven that using a personal recorder is a preferreda alternative to a classmate note taker. Notetaking is requested at the time of accommodation request meeting. Frequently students know a fellow classmate that can serve as their note taker. Students are permitted to use personal recorders for class lectures.

Alternative Testing Methods

Students who have a need for alternative testing methods, such as extended time, tests read orally, or testing in a non-distracting environment, may have tests administered in an alternate location selected by the professor or in the Test Center. Classes for which the student prefers to use alternative testing methods must be listed on the Request for Accommodations and communicated to each professor. It is recommended that the student meet personally with each professor to communicate their needs in order to provide the professor an opportunity to support the student in their ability to perform at their best of their abilities. Following Test Center procedures, students email the professor 3 days prior to the test date and make an appointment with the Test Center 2 days prior to the test date. When a test reader or scribe are part of the accommodation the Test Center must receive a 3 day notice to secure that extra staff will be available.

Other individualized accommodations may include, adaptive technology, request for single housing, Emotional Support Animals, and Academic Peer Mentors.

Accommodations for Physical Disabilities

Accommodations regarding adaptations or modifications to classrooms or other locations should be communicated as soon as possible to allow for Facility Services to be scheduled.

Appropriate Use of Accessibility Services or Institutional Policy

Students with disabilities are responsible for adhering to the same academic standards, behavioral expectations, and ethical conduct as all other students on campus. Students who use Accessibility Services must follow the Accessibility Services Policies and Procedures of the Center for Student Success so that services can be provided in the most effective manner possible.

All course requirements, as stated in course syllabi, are required by students with disabilities, subject to reasonable accommodations which do not substantially alter the course requirements or expectations.

Reasonable accommodations cannot substantively change a course. The boundaries of substantive change are at the discretion of the professor. Arrangements for accommodations must be made in a timely manner so that professors have adequate preparation time for reasonable adjustments.

Grievance & Complaint Procedures

Please review the ADA / Section 504 webpage for information on filing grievances and complaints.


Katie Rhodes
740-397-9000, Ext. 4280

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