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On-campus classes will be offered in remote learning format on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025, due to extreme cold temperatures.

Registrar Academic Expectations


Strive For Excellence

A normal full-time load is 30 credits for the academic year. The normal load for fall or spring semesters is 15 credits. A student is classified as full-time for academic purposes provided confirmation indicates 12 credits for fall or spring.

A student is not permitted to enroll for more than 18 credits during the fall or spring semesters without the applicable School Dean's written permission.

A tuition overload fee is charged when the load is greater than 18 credits for fall or spring.

Classification of Students

Students are classified on the basis of records in the University Registrar's Office. Students may be reclassified at the end of any term.

Freshman Admission to a regular course of study leading to a degree.
Sophomore Completion of 26 semester hours.
Junior Completion of 56 semester hours.
Senior Completion of 90 semester hours. A student may participate in senior activities only once.

Special Students may be admitted to take any course(s) from which he or she may benefit and have satisfactory preparation. A maximum of 30 semester hours may be earned in this classification.

Guest Students may enroll after completing the Guest Student Application and submitting a letter of good standing from the college in which the student is regularly admitted as a degree candidate.

Class Attendance


Academic Standing

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