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Summer Learn Courses

Summer Learn Courses

MVNU Summer Learn provides competitively priced online summer courses for bright traditional undergraduate students.

Summer Learn Perks

  • Save time.
    Taking general education courses in the summer can help lighten students' semester courseloads, allow high school students to start earning college credit, and even prepare students to graduate college early.
  • Save money.
    Summer Learn credits are offered at a fraction of the cost of traditional semester credits, saving students money on their general education requirements.
  • Questions.

Time Commitment

Summer Learn Dates 2025

Scroll for full list of dates.

Term A6 A8 B6 B8 C6 Full
Deadline to Register for a CourseApril 28April 28June 2June 2June 30April 28
Classes BeginMay 5May 5June 9June 9July 7May 5
Last Day to Drop With Full Refund*May 12May 12June 16June 16July 14May 12
Last Day to Drop Without a "W" Grade*May 12May 12June 16June 16July 14May 12
Last Day to Withdraw from a Course*May 19May 26June 2June 31July 21May 26
Classes EndJune 15June 29July 27August 10August 17August 17

NOTES: Students have on (1) week to determine if they will remain in the course or drop it.

*In order to receive a full tuition refund for a course and no "W" grade, the student must use the MVNU email account to notify the Registrar ( by 11:59 PM of the designated date in the table.

*In order to withdraw from a course and receive the "W" grade (no refund), the student must use the MVNU email account to notify the Registrar ( by 11:59 PM of the designated date in the table.

Available Courses

Arts & Humanities

  • ART1002 Art in the Western World
    B6 Term: 6 weeks, June 9–July 27
    Deadline to register: June 2. No online courses week of July 4.
    An introductory study of the history, theory and practice of western art. Special emphasis is given to a variety of media, and issues of Christianity and creativity.


  • COM1053 Introduction to Communication
    A6 Term: 6 weeks, May 5–June 15
    Deadline to register: April 28.
    Through the use of readings, discussion forums, exercises and writing, we will explore the often taken-for-granted power of communication that makes people unique among all creatures. We will discover that talk is not cheap, but rather it allows us to express our humanity in a rich and powerful way. The course will cover interpersonal, small group, and public communication. This course is available for non-traditional students, online only.


  • ENG1063 Engaging Literature
    B6 Term: 6 weeks, June 9–July 27
    Deadline to register: June 2. No online courses week of July 4.
    A study of literary genres through representative readings.


  • HIS1013 Western Civilization II
    A6 Term: 6 weeks, May 5–June 15
    Deadline to register: April 28.
    This course will examine the development of Western civilization within a broader world context since 1500 A.D. The course particularly attends to the emergence of "modern patterns of life," including modern states and systems of production and exchange, the development of modern science and technology, globalization, and modern concepts of the self and society. Emphasis on primary texts.


  • MTH1002 Music in the Western World
    C6 Term: 6 weeks, July 7-August 17
    Deadline to register: June 30.
    A comprehensive survey of musical trends and developments in the western world and a guide to appreciating these trends.


  • GRD2003 Computer Graphic Design I
    A4 Term: 4 weeks, May 5–June 1
    Deadline to register: April 28.
    A beginning course in which students begin to develop skills using Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign on Mac. Producing work for print is emphasized. Students also increase ability to effectively solve graphic design problems, and increase in the development of professional work habits.

    Note: There is a $200 software fee (billed separately) for any student who doesn’t have Adobe Creative Cloud software.

    Also please note this is a synchronous online course that will require students to be present in a virtual classroom from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm MWF for 4 consecutive weeks.


  • POL1003 American Politics and Government
    B6 Term: 6 weeks, June 9–July 27
    Deadline to register: June 2.

    This course goes beyond a more traditional focus on the history of structures of American government to examine issues of political behavior and decision-making among citizens and officeholders. Students learn about a wide range of topics relevant to American politics and government including, but not limited to, political institutions, the news media, voting, political parties, and campaigns and elections. Analysis of these and other topics is primarily informed by the social sciences, placing particular emphasis on students' comprehension and application of political science research methods.


  • ECO1033 Principles of Macroeconomics
    A6 Term: 6 weeks, May 5–June 15
    Deadline to register: April 28.
    An introduction to macroeconomics including basic concepts of supply and demand, price system, employment theory, inflation, business cycles, monetary policies, and fiscal policies.


  • ECO1053 Principles of Microeconomics
    B6 Term: 6 weeks, June 9–July 27
    Deadline to register: June 2. No courses week of July 4.
    An introduction to microeconomics including the concepts of resource and product markets, price theory, elasticity function and profit maximization. This is a five week course.


  • MKT2033 Principles of Marketing
    C6 Term: 6 weeks, July 7–August 17
    Deadline to register: June 30.
    An introduction to the theory and practical application of marketing principles. The basic objectives are to provide an introduction to marketing concepts, the role of marketing in the firm and the various factors that influence marketing decision-making.


  • IBS3003 International Business Operations
    B6 Term: 6 weeks, June 9–July 27
    Deadline to register: June 2.
    An introduction to the theory and practice of business operations of international and multinational firms. Special emphasis is given to international trade theory, marketing, finance and human resource management.

Christian Ministry

  • THE3003 Christian Beliefs

    B6 Term: 6 weeks, June 9–July 27
    Deadline to register: June 2. No online courses week of July 4.

    C6 Term: 6 weeks, July 7–August 17
    Deadline to register: June 30.
    A study of the essential Christian doctrines and their contemporary significance. Prerequisite: BIB1023G or [BIB1003G and BIB1013G].


  • BIB1023 Narrative of Scripture
    A6 Term: 6 weeks, May 5–June 15
    Deadline to register: April 28.
    This course will aid in interpreting the scriptural narrative within the historical and cultural contexts of the Hebrew people and the New Testament Church with special attention to the Bible's literary features and theological themes.


  • COR5013 Contemporary Concerns
    B6 Term: 6 weeks, June 9-July 27
    Deadline to register: June 2. No online courses week of July 4.
    This capstone course is a multi-disciplinary engagement with contemporary problems from the perspective of Christian faith, with emphasis on distinctive Wesleyan perspectives and ethical analysis. It will evaluate a number of issues central to the lives of citizens. It will also engage a specific topic of professional or disciplinary interest as developed by an individual faculty member's scholarship or interest. Some topics will be common to all sections and other topics will vary by section.

Education and Professional Studies

  • PED-1002 Principles of Health and Fitness 
    A6 Term: 6 weeks, May 5–June 15
    Deadline to register: April 28.
    A study of basic knowledge and values of physical activity as it relates to optimal healthful living. Special emphasis is given to fitness activities, nutrition and wellness. An activity tracker (Fitbit, Garmin, etc.) is recommended but not required for this course. No textbook required.

Natural & Social Sciences

  • BIO1014 Principles of Biology with Lab (8 week course)
    A8 Term: 8 weeks, May 5–June 29
    Deadline to register: April 28.
    A study of life processes, organization and structure common to animals, plants, and microbes. Laboratory exercises are included. The course is designed for non-majors and does not count toward the biology major or minor.
  • BIO2001 Medical Terminology
    A6 Term: 6 weeks, May 5–June 29
    Deadline to register: April 28.
    A course in medical terminology that uses a body systems approach.
  • CJU1003 Intro to Criminal Justice
    C6 Term: 6 weeks, July 7 – August 17
    Deadline to register: June 30
    A survey of the criminal justice system in the United States, with specific focus on the police, courts, and corrections. The nature and relationships of the various criminal justice agencies is explored. The course will also examine the biopsychosocial factors that contribute to criminality. Students will learn how criminal justice research is conducted, and how crime data is collected and analyzed to provide a scientific response to the problem of crime. Students will learn about the prominent theoretical approaches to dealing with crime in a manner that restores victims, offenders, and communities. The process of development and enforcement of law will also be discussed.
  • ESS1054 Meteorology with Lab
    B8 Term: 8 weeks, June 9–August 10
    Deadline to register: June 2.
    No online courses week of July 4.
    A study of the earth's atmosphere, physical factors that affect weather, weather systems and patterns, and scientific methods used to collect data, analyze trends, and forecast weather.
  • MAT3013 Linear Algebra
    C6 Term: 6 weeks, July 7–August 17
    Deadline to register: June 30.
    A study in matrix and vector algebra, vector space, determinants, and linear transformations.
  • MAT1023 Precalculus Mathematics
    C6 Term: 6 weeks, July 7–August 17
    Deadline to register: June 30.

    A study in pre-calculus concepts of the properties of elementary functions including the polynomial, trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential functions. Special emphasis is given to analytic geometry of the line and cone.
  • MAT0073 College Preparatory Mathematics
    C6 Term: 6 weeks, July 7–August 17
    Deadline to register: June 30.
    A study of college preparatory mathematics to develop algebraic skills required for college-level mathematics courses and mathematical thinking. Topics include basic arithmetic, basic algebra, geometric formulas, exponents, polynomials, factoring and solving equations, rational expressions, systems of linear equations, and radical expressions of the quadratic formula. This course is not open to students in the post-secondary enrollment options program.
    Note: this course does not grant degree credit, but may be required based upon entry exam score and upon chosen major program. Please ask Registrar’s Office for details before taking this course.
  • MAT1013 Trigonometry
    C6 Term: 6 weeks, July 7–August 17
    Deadline to register: June 30.
    A study of trigonometry. Topics include circular functions, identities,
    equations, and graphing.
  • MAT1033 Introduction to Math Systems
    C6 Term: 6 weeks, July 7–August 17
    Deadline to register: June 30.
    Application of mathematics to real world situations using quantitative
    methods that require critical thinking. Topics vary and may include graph theory, linear programming, voting, fair division, game theory, numerical codes, symmetry, growth, and money.
  • MAT2063 Introduction to Statistics
    B6 Term: 6 weeks, June 9–July 27
    Deadline to register: June 2. No online courses week of July 4.
    A study of basic descriptive and inferential statistics with emphasis on
    applications in business, biology, and social sciences. Prerequisite: A grade of C- or better in MAT0093, or an ACT mathematics sub-score of 19 or higher, or an SAT mathematics score of 500 or higher.
  • PSY1013 General Psychology
    B8 Term: 8 weeks, June 9–August 10
    Deadline to register: June 2.
    No online courses week of July 4.
    An introductory course that explores psychology as a science of human behavior and mental processes in biological and social contexts, with an emphasis on promoting human wellness.

Nursing and Health Sciences

  • HSC-1013 Nutrition and Wellness
    C6 Term: 6 weeks, July 7–August 17
    Deadline to register: June 30.

    The course examines the use of nutrients to support health, the nutritional needs throughout the life cycle, and diet analysis in health care and life settings. Emphasis is placed on making healthy life style choices based on the science of nutrition. Basic concepts of health promotion/health maintenance are explored using select theories of health promotion and health behavior change. Biblical foundations for healthy living are examined to promote maximal health in self and others.

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