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Other Scholarships

Other Scholarships

Fun Facts

$6,000 less

MVNU costs $6,000 less than the average private college.

$37+ million

In aid was awarded last year.

26th Best Value

Small college out of nearly 1,000 schools in the nation. (Best Value Schools)

The following scholarships can be earned by both incoming freshmen and transfer students.

Affiliation Awards

Nazarene Children of Pastor of Missionary $6,500
Non-Nazarene Children of Pastor of Missionary $2,500
Nazarene Challenge $2,500
Bible Quizzing Amount on certificate divided by 4 years


Athletic Scholarships

Athletic scholarships are awarded at the discretion of the head coach. For more information please fill out this brief athletic recruiting information form.

Music Scholarships

Music scholarships are talent-based awards that are granted through audition before the MVNU music faculty. Scholarships are available for voice, piano, organ, most wind and string instruments, percussion, guitar, and composition.

Click here for audition info.

Esther Buchwald Art Scholarships

There are five competitive Art scholarships and five competitive Graphic Design scholarships awarded annually. Students from any class can submit work. One student from each class will be awarded the scholarship, including incoming freshmen.

Crispin Webb Art Endowed Scholarships

The Crispin Webb Art Endowed Scholarship was created by MVNU art alumni and the Art Department to assist seniors with their senior project gallery shows.

Crispin's legacy lives on today in a scholarship created through the annual ArtAlum Art Exhibition and Auction. All proceeds raised go directly to the Crispin Webb Art Endowed Scholarship.

How To Submit Art Work

Alumni and student artists can download the appropriate PDF and fill out the form to donate their artwork to the ARTalum silent auction. Submit completed form with artwork. All purchases will benefit the Crispin Webb Art Scholarship for senior art students.

Click here to learn more about Crispin Webb's legacy and/or donate to the Crispin Webb Art Scholarship fund.

Endowment Scholarships

MVNU offers endowment scholarships through an online application process every spring. The application is emailed to every student and the scholarships are awarded by an awarding committee. There are various scholarships with various criteria available, so every student is encouraged to apply. We offer scholarships for traditional and non-traditional students. Criteria range from specific majors to participating on an athletic team to specific hometowns. Scholarship amounts vary based on the market value of the endowment.

You can find specific forms (during designated application periods) here.

Leadership Scholarship Program

The Mount Vernon Nazarene University Leadership Scholars program is specifically designed for students aiming to develop leadership skills grounded in Christian values, applicable to civic, cross-cultural, or ministerial contexts. This renewable scholarship is awarded each year to Leadership Scholars who maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.75 and participate in all required dimensions of the program.

The program focuses on four central components:

  1. Leadership
  2. Christian Character
  3. Academic Excellence
  4. Service to the World

Through service and mission experiences, campus leadership roles, and various involvement opportunities, students will evolve into Christ-centered leaders ready to make a difference at MVNU and beyond.

Click here to learn more.

Outside Scholarship Resources

This website exists to be a readily available resource for MVNU students to be able search for outside scholarships, as this process can be intimidating at times. There are many scholarships out there, but finding them can be difficult and time consuming. Our advice when applying for scholarships is to always start searching within your local community, as nationwide scholarships can attract hundreds of thousands of applicants. Our hope is that you find this to be a helpful tool in finding applicable scholarships for you!

Click here for options.

For More Information

Financial Aid Office


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