About Us
Institutional Effectiveness
The Institutional Effectiveness Office, reporting to and operating under the Vice President for Academic Affairs, serves the University through performing activities related to assessment, planning, reporting and testing.
The primary goal is to enhance the quality of Mount Vernon Nazarene University programs, services, operations and processes. A secondary goal is to fulfill compliance obligations to external agencies through accountable and transparent reporting.
To accomplish these basic evaluation, planning, and accountability functions OIE:
- Fosters the use of sound and innovative methods to gather, generate, analyze, report and manage data;
- Provides accurate, consistent, relevant and timely information that is accessible to internal and external constituencies;
- Transforms data into useful information; and
- Facilitates the integration of this information into institutional decision making, resource allocation, policy development and planning processes.
In addition, OIE engages the following process and outcomes objectives to actualize the basic evaluation and planning functions.
- Conducts institutional research studies and summarize key findings for decision-making personnel in a timely manner;
- Assembles key institutional data and reports such annually to governmental, regional accreditation, and other agencies (e.g., IPEDS, HLC, IBOE, AICUO, OFIC);
- Surveys key constituencies on their levels of satisfaction with university programs, services, and initiatives according to a rotational evaluation schedule;
- Conducts basic research related to student learning outcomes and support services effectiveness, and resources academic and administrative units toward improvement, correction, or intervention efforts in accord with the institutional program review schedule;
- Conducts workshops and other training programs to enable university personnel to conduct performance evaluations germane to the unit’s responsibilities;
- Manages MVNU’s regional accreditation process and resources academic departments to fulfill programmatic accreditation standards within the time parameters established by those agencies; and
- Manages compliance activities to fulfill regulatory requirements.
Common Data Set
Fact Sheets
Survey Summaries
Strategy Planning for Student Learning Units
Academic Student Outcomes - Traditional
- Accounting
- Art
- Biology
- Business Administration
- Chemistry
- Christian Ministry
- Communication Science and Disorders
- Communication Studies
- Computer Science *
- Criminal Justice
- Education
- Engineering
- English
- Exercise Science
- Finance
- General Education
- Graphic Design
- History
- Honors
- Journalism and Media Production
- Management
- Marketing
- Mathematics
- Music
- Nursing
- Psychology
- Public Relations
- Religion
- Social Work
- Sports Management
*Under Construction
Academic Student Outcomes - Graduate and Professional Studies
Undergraduate Programs
Graduate Programs
- Master of Business Administration
- MBA – Healthcare Administration
- MS in Management
- Master of Arts in Education
- Master of Ministry
- Master of Ministry and MBA Dual Degree
* Under Construction
Annual Summary Reports
Strategic Planning for Administration and Non-Instructional Units
Contact Us
Dr. Debra Garee
Interim Executive Director of Institutional Effectiveness
740-397-9000 ext. 3273
Mr. Ryan Downs
Director of Institutional Research and Accountability
740.397.9000 ext. 4125